• Looking for a machine?

    Let us know what your looking for so we can place it on our wanted page and let you know when we find the perfect machine for you.

    Have a machine to sell?

    Click the sell button and fill out the form with all of the relevant details, so that we can match you with the potential buyer.

  • 3 axis Bed mill approx. 2 meter X traverse

    3 axis Bed mill approx. 2 meter X traverse

    • Spindle Speed: 12-20000
    • Control: Heidenhain Control
    • Age: Younger than 2019
    • Other: Probing required with through coolant. Z axis is standard no specific requirements.
  • Colchester Tornado A200 Equivalent

    Colchester Tornado A200 Equivalent

    • Tool capacity: 12 turret
    • Axis: Standard 2 axis
    • Age: Younger than 2012
  • 2 Doosan Turning Centers (Various Models Considered)

    2 Doosan Turning Centers (Various Models Considered)

    • Age: Younger than 2014
    • Control: Fanuc
    • Additional Spec: With Milling and would consider Y Axis
  • 5 Axis VMC's (Various Models Considered)

    • Age: Younger than 2016
    • Control: Any
    • Axis: 5 Axis
  • image of office phone

    Have something on the list to sell?

    Let us know and we can get you an offer quickly!

  • Want a valuation on your assets?

    Have surplus assets getting in the way? need to raise capital or make space? Get in touch for your free valuation.